Application Fee: RM 500.00
Registration Fee: RM 1,200.00
Level | Age On 1st Sept 2024 | Fee Per Term (RM) 3 Terms A Year | Deposit (RM) One Term’s Fee (Refundable) |
Nursery | 3 to 4 | 3,780 | 3,780 |
Reception | 4 to 5 | 3,780 | 3,780 |
Foundation | 5 to 6 | 3,780 | 3,780 |
Fees for students joining during term time
Students joining in the 1st to 4th school week of the term – 100% fees payable.
Students joining in the 5th to 8th school week of the term – 70% fees payable.
Students joining after the 8th school week of the term – 40% fees payable.
Application Fee: RM 1,000.00
Registration Fee: RM 3,500.00
Level | Age On 1st Sept 2024 | Fee Per Term (RM) 3 Terms A Year | Deposit (RM) One Term’s Fee (Refundable) |
Year 1 | 5 | 8,290 | 8,290 |
Year 2 | 6 | 8,290 | 8,290 |
Year 3 | 7 | 9,660 | 9,660 |
Year 4 | 8 | 9,660 | 9,660 |
Year 5 | 9 | 9,660 | 9,660 |
Year 6 | 10 | 9,660 | 9,660 |
Year 7 | 11 | 12,405 | 12,405 |
Year 8 | 12 | 12,405 | 12,405 |
Year 9 | 13 | 12,405 | 12,405 |
Year 10 | 14 | 13,530 | 13,530 |
Year 11 | 15 | 13,530 | 13,530 |
Fees for students joining during term time
Students joining in the 1st to 4th school week of the term – 100% fees payable.
Students joining in the 5th to 8th school week of the term – 70% fees payable.
Students joining after the 8th school week of the term – 40% fees payable.
Application Fee: RM 500.00
Registration Fee: RM 1,200.00
Level | Age | Fee Per Term (RM) 3 Terms A Year | Deposit (RM) One Term’s Fee (Refundable) |
Standard 1 | 7 | 3,035 | 3,035 |
Standard 2 | 8 | 3,035 | 3,035 |
Standard 3 | 9 | 3,035 | 3,035 |
Standard 4 | 10 | 3,035 | 3,035 |
Standard 5 | 11 | 3,035 | 3,035 |
Standard 6 | 12 | 3,035 | 3,035 |
Form 1 | 13 | 3,385 | 3,385 |
Form 2 | 14 | 3,385 | 3,385 |
Form 3 | 15 | 3,385 | 3,385 |
Form 4 | 16 | 3,385 | 3,385 |
Form 5 | 17 | 3,385 | 3,385 |
Fees for students joining during term time
Students joining in the 1st to 4th school week of the term – 100% fees payable.
Students joining in the 5th to 8th school week of the term – 70% fees payable.
Students joining after the 8th school week of the term – 40% fees payable.